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Executive Board Minutes

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The Executive Board of ChALC normally meets 5 times a year to progress the business of the organisation, supported by separate meetings of the Finance Committee. The calendar of meetings for 2024 can be found here.

Current membership of the board can be found here.

Set out on this page are the more recent minutes. Should you want to view earlier minutes, they can be found in the Board Minutes Archive.

2024 June Minutes
2024 April Minutes
24 February Minutes

2023 December Minutes
2023 July Minutes
2023 June Minutes
2023 April Minutes
2023 February Minutes

2022 December Minutes
2022 September Minutes
2022 March Minutes
2022 April Minutes
2022 July Minutes

2021 February Minutes
2021 April Minutes
2021 June Minutes
2021 September Minutes
2021 December Minutes

© 2018 – 2024 Cheshire Association of Local Councils
Representing and promoting the interests of Local Councils in Cheshire